
What Every Business Needs To Be Successful - September's Learning Event

Carl Gould has spent the last 18 years in the personal and professional development field. He has studied under masters in the field of personal and professional development. In 2002, Carl founded CMT International, the farthest reaching “Business Mentoring” organization in
the world.

Carl’s innovative approach to Business Mentoring and Business Coaching has received acclaim from both his clients and his peers. With more then 90 independently owned and operated offices worldwide, Carl Gould and his world-class teams of mentors and coaches have guided their clients to significant results using their proven methods. What’s
more, they all have fun in the process!

Carl’s training includes Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC), certification in the Adizes Methodology for Organizational Therapy and Turnaround. Carl is a Behavior and Values Analyst. In his 2001 book, “With the Light On,” Carl offers empowering life strategies in an anecdotal format. Carl is the Managing Director of an International Business Mentoring Program, as well as a “Master Coach.”

Carl created and perfected the 7-Stages program through his work with Adizes Methodology and thousands of entrepreneurs and small businesses. Carl’s work with these companies inspired him to realize that there was a model for success, and so, the 7-Stages method was born.

Carl explains that he is a true entrepreneur because, “I can’t work for anyone else.” Carl learned from an early age that he had the ability to see a larger vision and that everything is an opportunity. This was the foundation on which he built his reputation as an International Entrepreneur, growing successful
companies across six continents.

Carl is happily married with three children Courtney, Sean and Vonya. He resides with his family in Riverdale, NJ.

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